Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Park-Your-Tiny House here!

This is for when the SHTF. You can't live here permanently at the moment but you can start learning and prepping.


Sunday, July 3, 2022

Farming Lesson

Farming lessons I wished I taught back when. 

Lesson 1. Don't be a Youcan.

A Youcan is a lot like a parrot, a lot like a Toucan, which it resembles,at least superficially. You can see one on the TV. It imitates real life. It tells everyone else about things they've seen on the TV, or heard about or read about on the internet but never really done.


The natural habitat for youcans is in cities and towns where they flock in great numbers. They have small brains,or at least so it seems,but it may be that they just don't use them well. They have large mouths however and can be noisy, obnoxious and annoying.


The worst place to hear a youcan is on a farm where they are a real menace. Commonly, they come to the farm, where the farmer foolishly invites them in, often to sell them them some food he has grown with his hard work. Sometimes they come to show their kids where their food comes from and sometimes they are just driving past admiring the pastoral beauty and stop to accost the local peasant farmer over the fence. They may enter the gate and for some reason as yet unknown they are compelled to air their superior knowledge of farming and how it can be done better whilst never having stepped out of their car before in the countryside or grown anything in their life.


Why they think they can do this is one of the great mysteries of farming. They suffer from a peculiar, urban delusion. Do Youcans think that a two-week permaculture design course entitles them to be neurosurgeons and astronauts too? Do they really think country people want to hear their advice?


Most farmers say something like “Country people don't tell you how to do your profession - Don't tell me how to do mine!!!



Words and phrases youcans often use and country person's thoughts and/or responses:


You know you can <insert idea from the TV/book/internet here>. Farmer thinks: That they have never tried themselves.


I saw on <river cottage/grand designs/gormless farmer/gardening australia>. Farmer thinks: or other equally irritating program. Farmer says No, I must have missed that one probably because I don't have a TV. Farmer thinks: or time to watch it.


Maybe you could just <insert unworkable idea here>. Farmer thinks: you could.


I saw at a community I visited...Farmer thinks: but obviously didn't live in or were asked to leave or were physically removed from.


Have you read <book>? Farmer saysI have a substantial farming book collection but if I did chance to miss that one I'm sure it contains the bit that has held me back from growing food all this time.


Have you heard of <such-and-such>? Farmer saysDo you mean <gets the name right> who's books I read all of a long time ago and who's methods I adopted for many years on several farms? Yep, I've heard of him.


Wouldn't it be better to <stupid idea>. Farmer saysNo,probably not.Farmer thinks: Ever. Shakes head, falls on ground laughing or grinds his teeth.


What do you do all the timeFarmer thinks: What time. Just give me one days hard work, a few hours even. Farmer saysI look for people to do work for me on the farm.


Could I give you a handFarmer thinks: By the time I show them how to do it and then clean up after them I'm going to miss feeding my animals and putting them to bed. I wish they would go home soon and stop getting in the way. Farmer saysI think I'll be alright.Farmer thinks: Last time someone just chopped some wood for me they thought it was so important I owed them my life. I'm not sure I can afford the price.



Thankfully, due to my own PTSD I don't have to suffer them for long as I no longer have the patience I used to have. The only good thing that has come from my condition is that youcans have now become rare on my farm.


End Lesson 1.


© Gavin Edwards2022

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Winter course in Self-Sufficiency

 Hi Everyone. We are offering training for this winter for off-grid self-sufficiency, prepping and survival in the wilderness of Tasmania. We have 200acres of regrowth pine forest overlooking the Tarkine rainforest. Looking for people who want to learn about cool-climate self-sufficiency. It will be cold and can snow but what we teach you won’t find anywhere else. Please see the photo below. If you are interested please contact Lisa or Gavin on or txt 0459 263 525.


Wednesday, December 26, 2018

It's not over, it's just beginning : Permafraud 3

I published Permafraud 3 in December 2017, thinking that people would realize what had gone on and that the perpetrators would admit their guilt but that hasn't happened so it's going to have to be the hard way.

I'm not a big fan of Monsanto and permaculturists backing someone working with them should be exposed.

Times coming.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Why I don't use PVC pipe based growing systems

Just had a fb link from a friend about another growing system using PVC piping and containers and I thought I might write a little bit to give my view on these and hopefully warn and dissuade people from using them.

This is similar to a lot of other growing 'systems' I've seen. I don't like this method of growing though it obviously grows a lot of food. They're being touted by a lot of urban growers as a solution to our food growing non-crisis. 

The reason I don't like these methods is because they all use large amounts of PVC. As an organic grower I have major concerns over PVC. PVC breaks down and releases microparticles which are POPs (persistant organic pollutants). Not mentioned in the wiki is that PVC also breaks down further to vinyl chloride and this is extremely toxic. In short, it's not good anywhere near your food.  If the car manufacturers are removing PVC you can be fairly sure they know it's toxic and are trying to avoid a liability issue. Why would you use it near your food?

I've found that overly technical solutions rarely work. I prefer growing in the soil and encouraging soil health - seems more natural to me. If people want good clean food I recommend they move to the country and grow their food organically in the sweet soil and if you do it right, and with care for nature, she will reward you with abundance.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

New development in Permafraud

The North West Environment Centre has just sent me a letter which slanders me for trying to speak out about Food Plants Solutions founder Dr Bruce French taking funding from Monsanto and their role in promoting him.

This is the proof that he has been funded by Monsanto. You can download the pdf from the FPS site as I said in Permafraud part 1. The truth is the truth.